Here are some open chords in the family of Em. You can make a song out of them, just strum the guitar and randomly play the chords, starting and ending on Em.

Here are some open chords in the family of G. You can make a song out of them also, just strum the guitar and randomly play the chords, starting and ending on G.

Notice that they were the same chords? Em and G are related (‘Relative Keys’). Just land on Em chord and it’ll sound like Em or keep coming back to G and it’ll sound like the key of G.

Here are some open chords in the family of Am (with the exception of the F chord) with a variation on the G (slightly different flavor, still G major though). Notice that in the key of Am, D is minor.

Here are some open chords in the family of C

Am and C are relative – they share the same chords!